7000 SE Atlantic Ridge Drive
Stuart, Florida 34997
(772) 221-7100
Ebony Jarrett
Mission: Educate all students for success.
Vision: A dynamic educational system of excellence.
Class | Teacher | Donors | |
1 Wherever Most Needed | Wherever, Most Needed | None | |
Art | Guevara, Thanya |
AVID | Borges, Michelle G |
AVID Coordinator | Smith, Rachel | None | |
Band | Egan, John |
Career Tech Ed | Balzano, Ricardo | None | |
Career Tech Ed | Bertuccio, Peter | None | |
Career Tech Ed | Garrity, Douglas | None | |
Chorus / General Music | Robinson, Reahna |
Civics | Covington, Heather-Ann | None | |
Critical Thinking | Somers, Isabel | None | |
Culinary Arts | Armstead, Rachel |
Dean | Falzon, Anthony | None | |
EFMC Booking Vending Machine at AMS | Rhodes, Lisa | None | |
ELA | Bortak, Kayla |
ELA | Criddle, Heather | None | |
ELA | Morabito, Melissa | None | |
ELA | Nell, Emily | None | |
ELA | Smith, Erica | None | |
ELA | Stivala, Amanda | None | |
ELA | White, Tracy | None | |
ELA Support Facilitator | Soriano, Madeline | None | |
ESE Placement Specialist | Kelley, Pam | None | |
ESE Staffing Specialist | Jones, Kalie | None | |
ESE Support Facilitator | Lacitiva, Serena | None | |
Guidance | Allen, Vonetta | None | |
Guidance | Reid, Kendall | None | |
Guidance Counselor | Woodard, Daniella | None | |
History | Shaffer, Suzanne | None | |
IND | Kane, Loraine | None | |
IND | Prussing, Alexandra | None | |
IND Teacher | Nasser, Hanadi |
Intervention Teacher | Johnson, Juanita |
Language Arts | Malavasi, Janine |
Math | Andicoy, Kezel | None | |
Math | Baker, Shudeen | None | |
Math | Figueiredo, Elizabeth |
Math | Martin, Howard | None | |
Math | Mendelson, Steven |
Math | Newkirk, Marvin | None | |
Math | Panara, Josephine | None | |
Media Specialist | Middleton, Kelly | None | |
Medical Skills | Tietgens, Amanda |
PE | Bednar, Brandon | None | |
PE | Bruchal, Kelsey | None | |
PE | Campbell, Rebecca | None | |
Physical Education | Higgins, Dean | None | |
Prev/Intervention Program Specialist | McCollister, Derrell | None | |
Reading | Brown, Hafsah | None | |
Reading | Holland, Carol-Lee |
Reading | McArdle, Holly | None | |
Science | Belvin, Tonya |
Science | Bennett, Naritza |
Science | Flanagan, Joseph | None | |
Science | Neal, Jonathon | None | |
Science | Ryan, Ellise |
Science | Smith, Connie | None | |
Science | Weaver, Ange'lo | None | |
Social Studies | Farley, Patrick |
Social Studies | Gore, Constance | None | |
Social Studies | Hill, Sheila |
Social Studies | McMahon, James | None | |
Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) | Maytin, Ashley | None | |
Support Facilitation | Fey, John | None | |
Support Facilitator | Mendez, Erica | None | |
U.S. History | Grear, Christopher |
VE Support Facilitator | Gomez, Tasha | None | |
VE Support Facilitator | Kemler, Ashley | None | |
VE Support Facilitator | Solide, Marie | None |