Stock our Book Nook

Date 08/17/2024
Teacher Criddle, Heather
School Anderson Middle School
Grade 7th Grade
Subject Reading

My goal is to have a welcoming and wide-ranging book collection for my students to read from.


I would like to expand on the small classroom library that is in my classroom. I would like to give my students a larger variety of school appropriate books to choose to read from.


The benefits of having a classroom library gives students more time to read in class, expanding or discovering a love for reading, and improving their literacy.


Title Amount
Scholastic Classics set $35.00
Scholastic Award Winner set $95.00
Scholastic High Interest Read set $130.00
Scholastic Diverse Experiences set $50.00
Scholastic Favorite Reads 7th grade set $120.00
Scholastic Adventure set $60.00
Scholastic Science Fiction set $62.00
Total $552.00

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Anonymous to the public. It will be visible to the teacher and education foundation administrator.
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Amount to Reach Goal: $552.00

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Payment Information
Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: the three-digit card verification number can be found on the back of the card.

American Express: the four-digit card verification number can be found on the front of the card.

Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

Current Funding

$0.00 / $552.00

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