2801 SW Martin Highway
Palm City, FL 34990
(772) 219-1655
Christopher Forte
Hidden Oaks Middle School is committed to providing a safe and challenging learning environment which will empower all students to achieve their utmost potential. The Hidden Oaks Middle School team, along with the shared involvement of students, parents, and community, promotes the principles that assist in preparing our children to be life-long learners and contributing members of our global society.
The mission of the Martin County School District, in partnership with family and community, is to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become responsible citizens through comprehensive learning experiences and innovative environments that extend beyond traditional walls.
Class | Teacher | Donors | |
1 Wherever Most Needed | Wherever, Most Needed | None | |
Art | Foglia, Jennifer |
Art | Nelson, Melissa |
ASD | Proenza, Rebecca |
Assistant Principal | Johnson, Anne | None | |
Assistant Principal | Orozco, Guillermo | None | |
AVID | Koeppel, Amy |
Band | Lukkari, Charles |
Career Research | Nassar, Beth |
Civics | Boswell, John |
Civics | Coleman, Kelly |
Civics | Gutschmidt, Elizabeth |
Critical Thinking | Lucia, Victor |
CTE Business Education | Swain, Joelisa |
Digital Media Production | Carter, Alicia |
EFMC Book Vending Machine at HOMS | Rhodes, Lisa |
ELA | Ciotti, Kellie |
ELA | Lewis, Jamila |
ELA | Pacheco Constantino, Silvia |
ELA | Roberts, Valerie |
ELA | Stebbing, Laura |
English Language Arts | DeVito, Shari |
English Language Arts | Schneider, Debra |
English Language Ats | Watkins, Charles |
ESE Staffing Specialist | Hill, Samantha | None | |
Global Perspectives | Davis, Christina |
Health | Carreiro, Sabrina |
Interventionist/Dean | Eimann, Emily |
Intro to Architecture | DuBois, Melissa |
ISS/TAP | Wells, Derek |
Math | Ely, Marie |
Math | Greco, Chelsea |
Math | Harse, Kim |
Math | Henderson, Ashle |
Math | Lee-Effs, Casey |
Math | Savett, Erin |
Math | Schaffer, Cindy |
Math/Yearbook Advisor | Cole, Tiffany |
Media Specialist/Cambridge Leadership | Ciufo, Patience |
PBIS | Walters, Natalie |
Physical Education | Carter, Alicia |
Physical Education | Potyra, Dorothy |
Physical Education | Thiesen, Michael |
Physical Education | Walters, Natalie |
Principal | Forte, Christopher | None | |
School Counselor | Bradley, Kate |
School Counselor | Overbaugh, Jason |
School Counselor | Romano, Nicole |
School Social Worker | Morales, Ashley |
Science | Armstrong, Hunter |
Science | Buddin, Danielle | None | |
Science | Cogliati, Tyler |
Science | Halpern, Silvia |
Science | Howard, Mike |
Science | Lang, Amy |
Science | Maynard, Lydia |
Science | Montalbano, Marcie |
Spanish | Rocha, Leslie |
Speech Pathologist | Guardino, Audrey | None | |
Support Facilitator | Daniel, Doris |
Support Facilitator | Daub, Cindy | None | |
Support Facilitator | Montague, Linda |
Support Facilitator | Walling, Leslie |
US History | Boudreau, Kevin |
VE | Carannante, Nicholas |
VE | Carreiro, Julie |
World History | Baker, Maria |
World History | Hutchinson, Dawne |
World History/U.S. History | Lunt, Mark |