
Date 08/29/2024
Teacher Criddle, Heather
School Anderson Middle School
Grade 7th Grade
Subject Teaching Quality/Improving Classroom Instruction

My goal is to create a engaging and high participation level learning environment.


Using incentives students choose to help with engagement, participation, and behavior


The benefits of a well engaging, well behaved, and a classroom with high participation is beneficial to a welcoming learning environment.


Title Amount
motivation stress ball pack of 24. 5@ 14 each $70.00
classroom themed party favors 122 pack 2@ 30 $60.00
temporary theme based tattoos 24 pack 5@ 10 each $50.00
classroom themed water bottle stickers 5 packs of 100 @ 16 each $160.00
mini plush animals for desk friends pack of 24 5 @ 24 $120.00
wonword board game 2 @ 45 $90.00
Play on words board games 2 @ 16 $32.00
Total $582.00

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Donation Information
Anonymous to the public. It will be visible to the teacher and education foundation administrator.
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Amount to Reach Goal: $582.00

Now: Allows you to pay now for your project funding.

Add To Cart: Allows you to add your project funding to the shopping cart, so you can pay for multiple items at once.
Billing Address
This email address will receive a donation receipt.
Payment Information
Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: the three-digit card verification number can be found on the back of the card.

American Express: the four-digit card verification number can be found on the front of the card.

Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

Current Funding

$0.00 / $582.00

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