Water, Water Everywhere

Date 11/07/2024
Teacher Wright, Jennifer
School SeaWind Elementary
Grade 5th Grade
Subject Science

To demonstrate a working water cycle in the classroom for all the 5th grade students at SeaWind Elementary School.


Students will build and observe the working water cycle models in the classroom to see the changes throughout the water cycle and compliment curriculum.


Allows students to see in real time the changes that take place, strengthening academic vocabulary and supporting the following science standard:SC.5.E.7. Humans continue to explore the interactions among water, air, and land. Air and water are in constant motion that results in changing conditions that can be observed over time.


Title Amount
Water Cycle poster QTY 2 @ $7.95 ea. $15.90
Weather science kit mini observatory Qty 2 @ $15.33 ea $30.66
Total $46.56

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Amount to Reach Goal: $46.56

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Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

Current Funding

$0.00 / $46.56

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