"Falling Short" Creative Writing Book Study

Date 12/20/2024
Teacher Stein, Kaila
School Indiantown Middle School
Grade 6th Grade
Subject Writing

Our goal is to help students expand their knowledge on reading comprehension and writing skills to help students gain their own voice in writing.


During Quarter 3 students will be working on the Imaginative Unit in ELA. Therefore, in creative writing classes we want to tie a fictional book that focuses on many ELA skills, to help students write their short stories at the end of quarter 3 in their ELA classes. The book we want is called "Falling Short" by Ernesto Cisneros. This book focuses on two different points of view that we believe will help students not only see how to write different points of view, but also apply it to their writing. After reading this story we plan on having students writing their own short stories, but work with a partner and each partner will write a different perspective of the story.


This novel writing study will help students grow as readers and writers and help expand their reading and writing skills.


Title Amount
Novel "Falling Short" by Ernesto Cisneros (40 copies) $316.00
Total $316.00

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Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

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$0.00 / $316.00

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