Wipebooks for Collaborative Learning

Date 03/11/2025
Teacher Crowder, Jennifer
School Felix A. Williams Elementary School
Grade 1st Grade
Subject Cross-Curricular

The goal is acquire wipebooks (dry erase posters) for collaborative learning in the classroom. These wipebooks will be strategically hung throughout the classroom, providing students with a space to problem-solve together and demonstrate their work.


Wipeboards are movable, poster-like whitebooks that facilitate interactive learning experiences


By utilizing wipebooks, students will have the opportunity to collaborate, engage in critical thinking, and showcase their understanding of concepts.


Title Amount
Wipebook Flipchart $69.00
Total $69.00

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Amount to Reach Goal: $69.00

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Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

Current Funding

$0.00 / $69.00

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