SMS Color Guard

Date 03/13/2025
Teacher Pigott, Kimberly
School Jensen Beach High School
Grade 6-8
Subject Art - Visual and Performing Arts

We want to expand our equipment while keep our cost to students as low as possible. We want every student that wants to be a part of this program to have access to functional and beautiful props, flags, and other equipment.


Please aid our program by helping us to purchase new flags that we will use during the 2025-26 school year and for years to come.


Students learn to work cooperatively, stay healthy and get stronger, learn to find the counts in music, compete and learn the value of hard work, and hopefully make friends and happy memories at SMS.


Title Amount
White swing flag x 15 at $17.99 from Amazon comes in a pair $269.85
Orange flag x 15 at $11.95 from Band Shoppe current clearance price $179.25
Total $449.10

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Anonymous to the public. It will be visible to the teacher and education foundation administrator.
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Amount to Reach Goal: $449.10

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Payment Information
Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: the three-digit card verification number can be found on the back of the card.

American Express: the four-digit card verification number can be found on the front of the card.

Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

Current Funding

$0.00 / $449.10

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