STEM World History

Date 03/20/2025
Teacher Colmenarez, Elise
School Murray Middle School
Grade 6th Grade
Subject Social Studies

Teambuilding skills, planning, implementing and reflecting on a project, cross-curricular skills (using STEM in social studies)


Students will be given a challenge of building on the architectural wonders of the ancient world (pyramids, ziggurats, aqueducts, chariots, etc.). They must work with a team to complete their structure as well as a reflection of the project.


Students will complete this as a culmination of all the learning they have done this year. They will gain a deeper understanding of the ingenuity of ancient civilizations while also strengthening their teamwork skills.


Title Amount
Popsicle Sticks $30.00
Marbles $5.00
Jenga $5.00
Plastic cups $10.00
Hot glue $15.00
Additional Supplies $35.00
Total $100.00

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Amount to Reach Goal: $100.00

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Visa, MasterCard, or Discover: the three-digit card verification number can be found on the back of the card.

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Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Hyde Group

Current Funding

$0.00 / $100.00

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